While you are working at the Take Command Console prompt you can use common Windows keystrokes to edit commands, and use the Windows clipboard to copy text between Take Command and other applications. You can also select all of the text in a Take Command tab window buffer by using the Select All command on the Edit menu.


The right mouse button will pop up an Edit context menu. The context menu will have a "Goto URL" option enabled if you have selected an HTTP / HTTPS / FTP / FTPS name, or if there is an HTTP / HTTPS / FTP / FTPS name at the current mouse location. Selecting "Goto URL" will open a browser window at that URL.


Take Command allows both line and column selection. If you hold down the Ctrl or the Alt key while dragging the mouse, Take Command will select a rectangular block of text. Otherwise, as you drag the mouse down Take Command will highlight text to the end of the previous line.


You can resize a previous selection by clicking inside it and dragging the mouse left or right.


To copy text from a Take Command tab window to the clipboard, first use the mouse to highlight the text, then right click and select Copy, or use the COPY command on the Edit menu. You can optionally combine multiple selected lines into a single line before placing it in the clipboard by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting Copy (or Copy+Paste or Copy+Paste+Run) from the right-click context menu or the Edit menu. If you have an existing multiline selection in the clipboard, you can copy it to a single line (with the CR/LF's replaced by a space) in the Take Command window by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting Paste. (If you hold down the Ctrl key and the selection wraps around the last screen column, the lines will be appended without an intervening space.)


If you double-click on a word in the Take Command window, the entire word is highlighted or selected. If you triple click, the entire line is selected.


To highlight text on the command line use the Shift key in conjunction with the Left, Right , Ctrl-Left, Ctrl-Right, Home, and End cursor movement keys. The Del key will delete any highlighted text on the command line, or you can type new text to replace the highlighted text.


While Take Command tab windows contain text, they are not document windows like those used by word processors and other similar software, and you cannot move the cursor throughout the window as you can in text processing programs. As a result, you cannot use the Windows shortcut keys like Shift-Left or Shift-Right to highlight text in the window. These keys work only at the command line; to highlight text elsewhere in the window you must use the mouse.


To copy text from the clipboard to the command line use Ctrl-V, or the Paste command on the Edit menu.


To paste text from elsewhere in a Take Command tab window directly onto the command line, highlight the text with the mouse and press Ctrl-Shift-Ins, or use the Copy+Paste command on the Edit menu. This is equivalent to highlighting the text and pressing Ctrl-Ins followed by Ctrl-V,except that it will not change the contents of the clipboard. It's a convenient way to copy a filename from a previous DIR or other command directly to the command line.


You should use caution when pasting text containing carriage return or line feed characters onto the command line. If the text you insert contains one of these characters the command line will be executed just as if you had pressed Enter. If you insert multiple lines, the text will be treated just like multiple lines of commands typed at the prompt.


You can also use Windows' Drag and Drop facility to paste a filename from another application onto the command line, and you can access the clipboard with redirection to or from the CLIP: device, or with the @CLIP variable function.


TCC supports multiple clipboards. They are numbered from CLIP0: - CLIP9:. You can still use CLIP: - it is equivalent to CLIP0:. Clipboards 1 - 9 are only accessible to TCC internal commands and variable functions. External applications will only be able to access CLIP: / CLIP0:. For example:


dir *.btm > clip1:

dir *.exe > clip3:

view clip3:


When an app saves something to the default clipboard (CLIP: or CLIP0:), TCC will rotate the existing clipboard entries before saving the new CLIP0. CLIP0: will become CLIP1:, CLIP1: becomes CLIP2:, etc. The old CLIP9: will be lost. If you save something to CLIP1: - CLIP9:, none of the other clipboard entries will be modified.


See the CLIP internal command for more details.